Product Details
Belt Size: 1.75″
Color: Black
Material: Kydex
Hand: Ambidextrous
Firearm Fit: Mossberg MC2C
Mount Type: Belt Clip
Gun Type: Pistol
Compartments: 1
Belt Size: 1.75″
Color: Black
Material: Kydex
Hand: Ambidextrous
Firearm Fit: Mossberg MC2C
Mount Type: Belt Clip
Gun Type: Pistol
Compartments: 1
Product Category | Tactical Gear |
Manufacturer SKU | 137KJ4QZ0 |
UPC | 7.92695E+11 |
Condition | New |
Manufacturer | Desantis Gunhide |
Firearm Fit | Mossberg MC2C |
Material | Kydex |
Color | Black |
Belt Size | 1.75" |
Compartments | 1 |
Gun Type | Pistol |
Mount Type | Belt Clip |
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